Class APreAgg

    • Method Detail

      • tsmmAColGroup

        public final void tsmmAColGroup​(AColGroup other,
                                        MatrixBlock result)
        Description copied from class: AColGroup
        Matrix multiply with this other column group, but: 1. Only output upper triangle values. 2. Multiply both ways with "this" being on the left and on the right. It should be guaranteed that the input is not the same as the caller of the method. The second step is achievable by treating the initial multiplied matrix, and adding its values to the correct locations in the output.
        Specified by:
        tsmmAColGroup in class AColGroup
        other - The other Column group to multiply with
        result - The result matrix to put the results into
      • leftMultByAColGroup

        public final void leftMultByAColGroup​(AColGroup lhs,
                                              MatrixBlock result,
                                              int nRows)
        Description copied from class: AColGroup
        Left side matrix multiplication with a column group that is transposed.
        Specified by:
        leftMultByAColGroup in class AColGroup
        lhs - The left hand side Column group to multiply with, the left hand side should be considered transposed. Also it should be guaranteed that this column group is not empty.
        result - The result matrix to insert the result of the multiplication into
        nRows - Number of rows in the lhs colGroup
      • preAggregateThatIndexStructure

        public final ADictionary preAggregateThatIndexStructure​(APreAgg that)
        Pre aggregate into a dictionary. It is assumed that "that" have more distinct values than, "this".
        that - the other column group whose indexes are used for aggregation.
        A aggregate dictionary
      • preAggregate

        public final void preAggregate​(MatrixBlock m,
                                       double[] preAgg,
                                       int rl,
                                       int ru)
        Pre aggregate a matrix block into a pre aggregate target (first step of left matrix multiplication)
        m - The matrix to preAggregate
        preAgg - The preAggregate target
        rl - Row lower on the left side matrix
        ru - Row upper on the left side matrix
      • preAggregateDense

        public abstract void preAggregateDense​(MatrixBlock m,
                                               double[] preAgg,
                                               int rl,
                                               int ru,
                                               int cl,
                                               int cu)
        Pre aggregate a dense matrix block into a pre aggregate target (first step of left matrix multiplication)
        m - The matrix to preAggregate
        preAgg - The preAggregate target
        rl - Row lower on the left side matrix
        ru - Row upper on the left side matrix
        cl - Column lower on the left side matrix (or row lower in the column group)
        cu - Column upper on the left side matrix (or row upper in the column group)
      • preAggregateSparse

        public abstract void preAggregateSparse​(SparseBlock sb,
                                                double[] preAgg,
                                                int rl,
                                                int ru)
      • getPreAggregateSize

        public int getPreAggregateSize()