Class ASDCZero

    • Method Detail

      • getNumRows

        public int getNumRows()
      • leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg

        public final void leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg​(MatrixBlock matrix,
                                                   MatrixBlock result,
                                                   int rl,
                                                   int ru,
                                                   int cl,
                                                   int cu)
        Description copied from class: AColGroup
        Left multiply with this column group.
        Specified by:
        leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg in class AColGroup
        matrix - The matrix to multiply with on the left
        result - The result to output the values into, always dense for the purpose of the column groups parallelizing
        rl - The row to begin the multiplication from on the lhs matrix
        ru - The row to end the multiplication at on the lhs matrix
        cl - The column to begin the multiplication from on the lhs matrix
        cu - The column to end the multiplication at on the lhs matrix
      • decompressToDenseBlock

        public void decompressToDenseBlock​(DenseBlock db,
                                           int rl,
                                           int ru,
                                           int offR,
                                           int offC,
                                           AIterator it)
      • decompressToDenseBlockDenseDictionary

        public void decompressToDenseBlockDenseDictionary​(DenseBlock db,
                                                          int rl,
                                                          int ru,
                                                          int offR,
                                                          int offC,
                                                          AIterator it)
      • decompressToDenseBlockDenseDictionaryWithProvidedIterator

        public abstract void decompressToDenseBlockDenseDictionaryWithProvidedIterator​(DenseBlock db,
                                                                                       int rl,
                                                                                       int ru,
                                                                                       int offR,
                                                                                       int offC,
                                                                                       double[] values,
                                                                                       AIterator it)
      • getIterator

        public AIterator getIterator​(int row)