OPS! For internal use!
- systemds.utils.converters.frame_block_to_pandas(sds, fb: JavaObject)
Converts a FrameBlock object in the JVM to a pandas dataframe.
- Parameters:
sds – The current systemds context.
fb – A pointer to the JVM’s FrameBlock object.
- systemds.utils.converters.matrix_block_to_numpy(jvm: JVMView, mb: JavaObject)
Converts a MatrixBlock object in the JVM to a numpy array.
- Parameters:
jvm – The current JVM instance running systemds.
mb – A pointer to the JVM’s MatrixBlock object.
- systemds.utils.converters.numpy_to_matrix_block(sds, np_arr: array)
Converts a given numpy array, to internal matrix block representation.
- Parameters:
sds – The current systemds context.
np_arr – the numpy array to convert to matrixblock.
- systemds.utils.converters.pandas_to_frame_block(sds, pd_df: DataFrame)
Converts a given numpy array, to internal matrix block representation.
- Parameters:
sds – The current systemds context.
np_arr – the numpy array to convert to matrixblock.