BinaryBlockToTextCellConverter |
CM_N_COVCell |
CTableMap |
Ctable map is an abstraction for the hashmap used for ctable's hash group-by
because this structure is passed through various interfaces.
DnnParameters |
This class is container that stores parameters required for executing following operations:
conv2d, conv2d_backward_data, conv2d_backward_filter, maxpooling, maxpooling_backward
DoublePrecisionCudaSupportFunctions |
Helper class for external key/value exchange.
LibCommonsMath |
Library for matrix operations that need invocation of
Apache Commons Math library.
LibMatrixAgg |
Library for matrix aggregations including ak+, uak+ for all
combinations of dense and sparse representations, and corrections.
LibMatrixBincell |
Library for binary cellwise operations (incl arithmetic, relational, etc).
LibMatrixCUDA |
All CUDA kernels and library calls are redirected through this class
LibMatrixCuDNN |
This class contains method that invoke CuDNN operations.
LibMatrixCuDNNConvolutionAlgorithm |
This class is a wrapper that contain necessary data structures to invoke
a cudnn convolution* functions (such as cudnnConvolutionForward, etc)
It implements autocloseable to simplify the LibMatrixCuDNN code and also avoids potential memory leaks.
LibMatrixCuDNNInputRowFetcher |
Performs a slice operation: out = in[(n+1):(n+1), 1:numColumns]
LibMatrixCuDNNPoolingDescriptors |
This class is a wrapper that contain necessary data structures to invoke
a cudnn convolution* functions (such as cudnnConvolutionForward, etc)
It implements autocloseable to simplify the LibMatrixCuDNN code and also avoids potential memory leaks.
LibMatrixCuDNNRnnAlgorithm |
LibMatrixCuMatMult |
LibMatrixDatagen |
LibMatrixDNN |
LibMatrixDNNConv2d |
This class contains the set of operators used for performing conv2d
LibMatrixDNNHelper |
LibMatrixDNNIm2Col |
This class contains the different implementation of im2col operation
LibMatrixDNNPooling |
This class contains the set of operators used for performing pooling
LibMatrixDNNRelu |
This class contains the different implementation of rotate180 operation
LibMatrixDNNRelu.ReluBackward |
Performs the operation: (X gt 0) * dout
LibMatrixDNNRotate180 |
This class contains the different implementation of rotate180 operation
LibMatrixEquals |
Equals library for MatrixBLocks:
LibMatrixMult |
MB: Library for matrix multiplications including MM, MV, VV for all
combinations of dense, sparse, ultrasparse representations and special
operations such as transpose-self matrix multiplication.
LibMatrixNative |
LibMatrixOuterAgg |
Purpose of this library is to make some of the unary outer aggregate operator more efficient.
LibMatrixReorg |
Library for selected matrix reorg operations including special cases
and all combinations of dense and sparse representations.
LibMatrixSketch |
LibMatrixTercell |
Library for ternary cellwise operations.
MatrixBlock |
MatrixBlock.SparsityEstimate |
MatrixCell |
MatrixIndexes |
This represent the indexes to the blocks of the matrix.
MatrixValue |
MatrixValue.CellIndex |
OperationsOnMatrixValues |
Pair<K,V> |
RandomMatrixGenerator |
SinglePrecisionCudaSupportFunctions |
TextToBinaryCellConverter |
TripleIndexes |
TripleIndexes.Comparator |
WeightedCell |
WeightedPair |