Interface ArrayFactory

  • public interface ArrayFactory
    • Method Detail

      • create

        static LongArray create​(long[] col)
      • create

        static FloatArray create​(float[] col)
      • create

        static CharArray create​(char[] col)
      • getInMemorySize

        static long getInMemorySize​(Types.ValueType type,
                                    int _numRows)
      • allocateBoolean

        static ABooleanArray allocateBoolean​(int nRow)
      • append

        static <C> Array<C> append​(Array<?> a,
                                   Array<?> b)
        append arrays to each other, and cast to highest common type if different types.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The type to return, java automatically make this Object, and this is fine.
        a - The first array to append to (potentially modifying this a if applicable)
        b - THe array to append to a, (not getting modified).
        A array containing the concatenation of the two.
      • set

        static <C> Array<C> set​(Array<?> target,
                                Array<?> src,
                                int rl,
                                int ru,
                                int rlen)
        Set the target array in the range of rl to ru with the src array. The type returned is the common or highest common type of array.
        Type Parameters:
        C - THe highest common type to return.
        target - The target to pout the values into
        src - The source to take the values from
        rl - The index to start on
        ru - The index to end on
        rlen - The length of the target (a parameter in case target is null)
        A new or modified array.