Class CLALibLeftMultBy

  • public class CLALibLeftMultBy
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • CLALibLeftMultBy

        public CLALibLeftMultBy()
    • Method Detail

      • leftMultByMatrixTransposed

        public static MatrixBlock leftMultByMatrixTransposed​(CompressedMatrixBlock right,
                                                             MatrixBlock left,
                                                             MatrixBlock ret,
                                                             int k)
        Left multiplication with a CompressedMatrixBlock on the right following the equation: ret = t(left) %*% right
        right - A CompressedMatrixBlock on the right side of the multiplication.
        left - A not transposed MatrixBlock.
        ret - The result output matrix, this allocation of the object can be used if appropriate, otherwise a new matrix Block is allocated to be returned. This argument can also be null.
        k - The number of threads allowed to be used
        The result of the matrix multiplication
      • leftMultByMatrixTransposed

        public static MatrixBlock leftMultByMatrixTransposed​(CompressedMatrixBlock right,
                                                             CompressedMatrixBlock left,
                                                             MatrixBlock ret,
                                                             int k)
        Left multiplication with two CompressedMatrixBlock following the equation: ret = t(left) %*% right
        right - A CompressedMatrixBlock on the right side of the multiplication.
        left - A not transposed CompressedMatrixBlock, but logically inside the function it is considered transposed.
        ret - The result output matrix, this allocation of the object can be used if appropriate, otherwise a new matrix Block is allocated to be returned. This argument can also be null.
        k - The number of threads allowed to be used
        The result of the matrix multiplication
      • leftMultByMatrix

        public static MatrixBlock leftMultByMatrix​(CompressedMatrixBlock right,
                                                   MatrixBlock left,
                                                   MatrixBlock ret,
                                                   int k)
        Left multiplication with two CompressedMatrixBlock following the equation: ret = left %*% right
        right - A CompressedMatrixBlock on the right side of the multiplication.
        left - A MatrixBlock on the left side of the equation
        ret - The result output matrix, this allocation of the object can be used if appropriate, otherwise a new matrix Block is allocated to be returned. This argument can also be null.
        k - The number of threads allowed to be used
        The result of the matrix multiplication
      • rowSum

        public static double[] rowSum​(MatrixBlock mb,
                                      int rl,
                                      int ru,
                                      int cl,
                                      int cu)