Class DDCScheme

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static ICLAScheme create​(ColGroupDDC g)
        Create a scheme for the DDC compression given
        g - A DDC Column group
        A DDC Compression scheme
      • encode

        public AColGroup encode​(MatrixBlock data)
        Description copied from interface: ICLAScheme
        Encode the given matrix block into the scheme provided in the instance. The method returns null, if it is impossible to encode the input data with the given scheme.
        Specified by:
        encode in interface ICLAScheme
        data - The data to encode
        A compressed column group or null.
      • encode

        public AColGroup encode​(MatrixBlock data,
                                IColIndex columns)
        Description copied from interface: ICLAScheme
        Encode a given matrix block into the scheme provided in the instance but overwrite what columns to use. The method returns null, if it is impossible to encode the input data with the given scheme.
        Specified by:
        encode in interface ICLAScheme
        data - The data to encode
        columns - The columns to apply the scheme to, but must be of same number than the encoded scheme
        A compressed column group or null