AutoDiff |
BinaryBlockInputFormat |
Custom binary block input format to return the custom record reader.
BinaryBlockRecordReader |
Custom record reader for binary block.
ByteBufferDataInput |
CollectionUtils |
CommonThreadPool |
This common thread pool provides an abstraction to obtain a shared
thread pool, specifically the ForkJoinPool.commonPool, for all requests
of the maximum degree of parallelism.
DataConverter |
This class provides methods to read and write matrix blocks from to HDFS using different data formats.
DependencyTask<E> |
DependencyThreadPool |
DependencyWrapperTask<E> |
DMVUtils |
DnnUtils |
EMAUtils |
FastBufferedDataInputStream |
FastBufferedDataOutputStream |
This buffered output stream is essentially a merged version of
BufferedOutputStream and DataOutputStream, wrt SystemDS requirements.
FastStringTokenizer |
This string tokenizer is essentially a simplified StringTokenizer.
HDFSTool |
IndexRange |
InputStreamInputFormat |
Custom input format and record reader to redirect common implementation of csv read
over record readers (which are required for the parallel readers) to an input stream.
LocalFileUtils |
LongLongDoubleHashMap |
This native long long - double hashmap is specifically designed for
ctable operations which only require addvalue - extract semantics.
LongLongDoubleHashMap.ADoubleEntry |
NormalPRNGenerator |
Class that can generate a stream of random numbers from standard
normal distribution N(0,1).
PoissonPRNGenerator |
Class that can generate a stream of random numbers from Poisson
distribution with specified mean.
PorterStemmer |
Stemmer, implementing the Porter Stemming Algorithm
The Stemmer class transforms a word into its root form.
PRNGenerator |
ProgramConverter |
Program converter functionalities for
(1) creating deep copies of program blocks, instructions, function program blocks, and
(2) serializing and parsing of programs, program blocks, functions program blocks.
Py4jConverterUtils |
Utils for converting python data to java.
RandNPair |
Class that generates a pair of random numbers from standard normal
distribution N(0,1).
SortUtils |
Utilities for sorting, primarily used for SparseRows.
UniformPRNGenerator |
UtilFunctions |