Interface Encoder

    • Method Detail

      • build

        void build​(CacheBlock in)
        Build the transform meta data for the given block input. This call modifies and keeps meta data as encoder state.
        in - input frame block
      • apply

        MatrixBlock apply​(CacheBlock in,
                          MatrixBlock out,
                          int outputCol)
        Apply the generated metadata to the FrameBlock and saved the result in out.
        in - input frame block
        out - output matrix block
        outputCol - is a offset in the output matrix. column in FrameBlock + outputCol = column in out
        output matrix block
      • allocateMetaData

        void allocateMetaData​(FrameBlock meta)
        Pre-allocate a FrameBlock for metadata collection.
        meta - frame block
      • getMetaData

        FrameBlock getMetaData​(FrameBlock out)
        Construct a frame block out of the transform meta data.
        out - output frame block
        output frame block?
      • initMetaData

        void initMetaData​(FrameBlock meta)
        Sets up the required meta data for a subsequent call to apply.
        meta - frame block
      • prepareBuildPartial

        void prepareBuildPartial()
        Allocates internal data structures for partial build.
      • buildPartial

        void buildPartial​(FrameBlock in)
        Partial build of internal data structures (e.g., in distributed spark operations).
        in - input frame block
      • updateIndexRanges

        void updateIndexRanges​(long[] beginDims,
                               long[] endDims,
                               int offset)
        Update index-ranges to after encoding. Note that only Dummycoding changes the ranges.
        beginDims - begin dimensions of range
        endDims - end dimensions of range
        offset - is applied to begin and endDims