Class LibMatrixAgg

  • public class LibMatrixAgg
    extends Object
    MB: Library for matrix aggregations including ak+, uak+ for all combinations of dense and sparse representations, and corrections. Those are performance-critical operations because they are used on combiners/reducers of important operations like tsmm, mvmult, indexing, but also basic sum/min/max/mean, row*, col*, etc. Specific handling is especially required for all non sparse-safe operations in order to prevent unnecessary worse asymptotic behavior. This library currently covers the following opcodes: ak+, uak+, uark+, uack+, uasqk+, uarsqk+, uacsqk+, uamin, uarmin, uacmin, uamax, uarmax, uacmax, ua*, uamean, uarmean, uacmean, uavar, uarvar, uacvar, uarimax, uaktrace, cumk+, cummin, cummax, cum*, tak+, cm, cov TODO next opcode extensions: a+, colindexmax
    • Method Detail

      • aggregateBinaryMatrix

        public static void aggregateBinaryMatrix​(MatrixBlock in,
                                                 MatrixBlock aggVal,
                                                 MatrixBlock aggCorr,
                                                 boolean deep)
        Core incremental matrix aggregate (ak+) as used in mapmult, tsmm, cpmm, etc. Note that we try to keep the current aggVal and aggCorr in dense format in order to allow efficient access according to the dense/sparse input.
        in - input matrix
        aggVal - current aggregate values (in/out)
        aggCorr - current aggregate correction (in/out)
        deep - deep copy flag
      • aggregateBinaryMatrix

        public static void aggregateBinaryMatrix​(MatrixBlock in,
                                                 MatrixBlock aggVal,
                                                 AggregateOperator aop)
        Core incremental matrix aggregate (ak+) as used for uack+ and acrk+. Embedded correction values. DOES NOT EVALUATE SPARSITY SINCE IT IS USED IN INCREMENTAL AGGREGATION
        in - matrix block
        aggVal - aggregate operator
        aop - aggregate operator
      • aggregateCmCov

        public static CM_COV_Object aggregateCmCov​(MatrixBlock in1,
                                                   MatrixBlock in2,
                                                   MatrixBlock in3,
                                                   ValueFunction fn)
        Single threaded Covariance and Central Moment operations CM = Central Moment COV = Covariance
        in1 - Main input matrix
        in2 - Second input matrix
        in3 - Third input matrix (not output since output is returned)
        fn - Value function to apply
        Central Moment or Covariance object
      • aggregateCmCov

        public static CM_COV_Object aggregateCmCov​(MatrixBlock in1,
                                                   MatrixBlock in2,
                                                   MatrixBlock in3,
                                                   ValueFunction fn,
                                                   int k)
        Multi threaded Covariance and Central Moment operations CM = Central Moment COV = Covariance
        in1 - Main input matrix
        in2 - Second input matrix
        in3 - Third input matrix (not output since output is returned)
        fn - Value function to apply
        k - Parallelization degree
        Central Moment or Covariance object
      • isSupportedUnaryAggregateOperator

        public static boolean isSupportedUnaryAggregateOperator​(AggregateUnaryOperator op)
      • isSupportedUnaryOperator

        public static boolean isSupportedUnaryOperator​(UnaryOperator op)
      • satisfiesMultiThreadingConstraints

        public static boolean satisfiesMultiThreadingConstraints​(MatrixBlock in,
                                                                 int k)
      • recomputeIndexes

        public static void recomputeIndexes​(MatrixBlock out,
                                            AggregateUnaryOperator op,
                                            int blen,
                                            MatrixIndexes ix)
        Recompute outputs (e.g., maxindex or minindex) according to block indexes from MR. TODO: this should not be part of block operations but of the MR instruction.
        out - matrix block
        op - aggregate unary operator
        blen - number of rows/cols in a block
        ix - matrix indexes
      • countAgg

        public static void countAgg​(double[] a,
                                    int[] c,
                                    int[] aix,
                                    int ai,
                                    int len)
      • countAgg

        public static void countAgg​(double[] a,
                                    int[] c,
                                    int ai,
                                    int len)