Class SmoothedJackknifeEstimator

  • public class SmoothedJackknifeEstimator
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SmoothedJackknifeEstimator

        public SmoothedJackknifeEstimator()
    • Method Detail

      • distinctCount

        public static int distinctCount​(int numVals,
                                        int[] freqCounts,
                                        int nRows,
                                        int sampleSize)
        Peter J. Haas, Jeffrey F. Naughton, S. Seshadri, and Lynne Stokes. Sampling-Based Estimation of the Number of Distinct Values of an Attribute. VLDB'95, Section 4.3.
        numVals - The number of unique values in the sample
        freqCounts - The inverse histogram of frequencies. counts extracted
        nRows - The original number of rows in the entire input
        sampleSize - The number of rows in the sample
        Estimate of the number of distinct values