
All operations using SystemDS need a java instance running. The connection is ensured by an SystemDSContext object. An SystemDSContext object can be created using

from systemds.context import SystemDSContext
sds = SystemDSContext()

When the calculations are finished the context has to be closed again


Since it is annoying that it is always necessary to close the context, SystemDSContext implements the python context management protocol, which supports the following syntax

with SystemDSContext() as sds:
  # do something with sds which is an SystemDSContext

This will automatically close the SystemDSContext once the with-block is left.


Creating a context is an expensive procedure, because a sub-process starting a JVM might have to start, therefore try to do this only once for your program, or always leave at least one context open.

class systemds.context.SystemDSContext(port: int = - 1)

A context with a connection to a java instance with which SystemDS operations are executed. The java process is started and is running using a random tcp port for instruction parsing.

This class is used as the starting point for all SystemDS execution. It gives the ability to create all the different objects and adding them to the exectution.

__init__(port: int = - 1)

Starts a new instance of SystemDSContext, in which the connection to a JVM systemds instance is handled Any new instance of this SystemDS Context, would start a separate new JVM.

Standard out and standard error form the JVM is also handled in this class, filling up Queues, that can be read from to get the printed statements from the JVM.

array(*args: Sequence[Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.nodes.list.List

Create a List object containing the given nodes.

Note that only a sequence is allowed, or a dictionary, not both at the same time. :param args: A Sequence that will be inserted to a list :param kwargs: A Dictionary that will return a dictionary, (internally handled as a list) :return: A List


Close the connection to the java process and do necessary cleanup.

dict(**kwargs: Dict[str, Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.nodes.list.List

Create a List object containing the given nodes.

Note that only a sequence is allowed, or a dictionary, not both at the same time. :param args: A Sequence that will be inserted to a list :param kwargs: A Dictionary that will return a dictionary, (internally handled as a list) :return: A List

exception_and_close(e: Exception)

Method for printing exception, printing stdout and error, while also closing the context correctly.


e – the exception thrown

federated(addresses: Iterable[str], ranges: Iterable[Tuple[Iterable[int], Iterable[int]]], *args, **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.nodes.matrix.Matrix

Create federated matrix object.

  • sds_context – the SystemDS context

  • addresses – addresses of the federated workers

  • ranges – for each federated worker a pair of begin and end index of their held matrix

  • args – unnamed params

  • kwargs – named params


The Matrix containing the Federated data.

from_numpy(mat: numpy.array, *args: Sequence[Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]], **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.nodes.matrix.Matrix

Generate DAGNode representing matrix with data given by a numpy array, which will be sent to SystemDS on need.

  • mat – the numpy array

  • args – unnamed parameters

  • kwargs – named parameters


A Matrix

from_pandas(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, *args: Sequence[Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]], **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.nodes.frame.Frame

Generate DAGNode representing frame with data given by a pandas dataframe, which will be sent to SystemDS on need.

  • df – the pandas dataframe

  • args – unnamed parameters

  • kwargs – named parameters


A Frame

full(shape: Tuple[int, int], value: Union[float, int])systemds.operator.nodes.matrix.Matrix

Generates a matrix completely filled with a value

  • sds_context – SystemDS context

  • shape – shape (rows and cols) of the matrix TODO tensor

  • value – the value to fill all cells with


the OperationNode representing this operation

get_stderr(lines: int = - 1)

Getter for the stderr of the java subprocess The output is taken from the stderr queue and returned in a new list. :param lines: The number of lines to try to read from the stderr queue. default -1 prints all current lines in the queue.

get_stdout(lines: int = - 1)

Getter for the stdout of the java subprocess The output is taken from the stdout queue and returned in a new list. :param lines: The number of lines to try to read from the stdout queue. default -1 prints all current lines in the queue.

list(*args: Sequence[Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]], **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.nodes.list.List

Create a List object containing the given nodes.

Note that only a sequence is allowed, or a dictionary, not both at the same time. :param args: A Sequence that will be inserted to a list :param kwargs: A Dictionary that will return a dictionary, (internally handled as a list) :return: A List

rand(rows: int, cols: int, min: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, max: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, pdf: str = 'uniform', sparsity: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, seed: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, lambd: Union[float, int] = 1)systemds.operator.nodes.matrix.Matrix

Generates a matrix filled with random values

  • sds_context – SystemDS context

  • rows – number of rows

  • cols – number of cols

  • min – min value for cells

  • max – max value for cells

  • pdf – “uniform”/”normal”/”poison” distribution

  • sparsity – fraction of non-zero cells

  • seed – random seed

  • lambd – lamda value for “poison” distribution


read(path: os.PathLike, **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.operation_node.OperationNode

Read an file from disk. Supportted types include: CSV, Matrix Market(coordinate), Text(i,j,v), SystemDS Binary, etc. See: for more details :return: an Operation Node, containing the read data the operationNode read can be of types, Matrix, Frame or Scalar.

scalar(v: Dict[str, Union[DAGNode, str, int, float, bool]])systemds.operator.nodes.scalar.Scalar

Construct an scalar value, this can contain str, float, double, integers and booleans. :return: A scalar containing the given value.

seq(start: Union[float, int], stop: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, step: Union[float, int] = 1)systemds.operator.nodes.matrix.Matrix

Create a single column vector with values from start to stop and an increment of step. If no stop is defined and only one parameter is given, then start will be 0 and the parameter will be interpreted as stop.

  • sds_context – SystemDS context

  • start – the starting value

  • stop – the maximum value

  • step – the step size


the OperationNode representing this operation

source(path: str, name: str, print_imported_methods: bool = False)systemds.operator.nodes.source.Source

Import methods from a given dml file.

The importing is done thorugh the DML command source, and adds all defined methods from the script to the Source object returned in python. This gives the flexibility to call the methods directly on the object returned.

In systemds a method called func_01 can then be imported using

`python res = self.sds.source("PATH_TO_FILE", "UNIQUE_NAME").func_01().compute(verbose = True) `

  • path – The absolute or relative path to the file to import

  • name – The name to give the imported file in the script, this name must be unique

  • print_imported_methods – boolean specifying if the imported methods should be printed.