Buildin Reference

Table of Contents


The DML (Declarative Machine Learning) language has built-in functions which enable access to both low- and high-level functions to support all kinds of use cases.

A builtin ir either implemented on a compiler level or as DML scripts that are loaded at compile time.

Built-In Construction Functions

There are some functions which generate an object for us. They create matrices, tensors, lists and other non-primitive objects.


The tensor-function creates a tensor for us.

tensor(data, dims, byRow = TRUE)


Name Type Default Description
data Matrix[?], Tensor[?], Scalar[?] required The data with which the tensor should be filled. See data-Argument.
dims Matrix[Integer], Tensor[Integer], Scalar[String], List[Integer] required The dimensions of the tensor. See dims-Argument.
byRow Boolean TRUE NOT USED. Will probably be removed or replaced.

Note that this function is highly unstable and will be overworked and might change signature and functionality.


Type Description
Tensor[?] The generated Tensor. Will support more datatypes than Double.

The data-argument can be a Matrix of any datatype from which the elements will be taken and placed in the tensor until filled. If given as a Tensor the same procedure takes place. We iterate through Matrix and Tensor by starting with each dimension index at 0 and then incrementing the lowest one, until we made a complete pass over the dimension, and then increasing the dimension index above. This will be done until the Tensor is completely filled.

If data is a Scalar, we fill the whole tensor with the value.


The dimension of the tensor can either be given by a vector represented by either by a Matrix, Tensor, String or List. Dimensions given by a String will be expected to be concatenated by spaces.


print("Dimension matrix:");
d = matrix("2 3 4", 1, 3);
print(toString(d, decimal=1))

print("Tensor A: Fillvalue=3, dims=2 3 4");
A = tensor(3, d); # fill with value, dimensions given by matrix

print("Tensor B: Reshape A, dims=4 2 3");
B = tensor(A, "4 2 3"); # reshape tensor, dimensions given by string

print("Tensor C: Reshape dimension matrix, dims=1 3");
C = tensor(d, list(1, 3)); # values given by matrix, dimensions given by list
print(toString(C, decimal=1))

print("Tensor D: Values=tst, dims=Tensor C");
D = tensor("tst", C); # fill with string, dimensions given by tensor

Note that reshape construction is not yet supported for SPARK execution.

DML-Bodied Built-In Functions

DML-bodied built-in functions are written as DML-Scripts and executed as such when called.


A confusionMatrix-accepts a vector for prediction and a one-hot-encoded matrix, then it computes the max value of each vector and compare them, after which it calculates and returns the sum of classifications and the average of each true class.


confusionMatrix(P, Y)


Name Type Default Description
P Matrix[Double] vector of prediction
Y Matrix[Double] vector of Golden standard One Hot Encoded


Name Type Description
ConfusionSum Matrix[Double] The Confusion Matrix Sums of classifications
ConfusionAvg Matrix[Double] The Confusion Matrix averages of each true class


numClasses = 1
z = rand(rows = 5, cols = 1, min = 1, max = 9)
X = round(rand(rows = 5, cols = 1, min = 1, max = numClasses))
y = toOneHot(X, numClasses)
[ConfusionSum, ConfusionAvg] = confusionMatrix(P=z, Y=y)


The cvlm-function is used for cross-validation of the provided data model. This function follows a non-exhaustive cross validation method. It uses lm and lmpredict functions to solve the linear regression and to predict the class of a feature vector with no intercept, shifting, and rescaling.


cvlm(X, y, k)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Recorded Data set into matrix
y Matrix[Double] required 1-column matrix of response values.
k Integer required Number of subsets needed, It should always be more than 1 and less than nrow(X)
icpt Integer 0 Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling the columns of X
reg Double 1e-7 Regularization constant (lambda) for L2-regularization. set to nonzero for highly dependant/sparse/numerous features


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Response values
Matrix[Double] Validated data set


X = rand (rows = 5, cols = 5)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
[predict, beta] = cvlm(X = X, y = y, k = 4)


The dbscan() implements the DBSCAN Clustering algorithm using Euclidian distance.


Y = dbscan(X = X, eps = 2.5, minPts = 5)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required The input Matrix to do DBSCAN on.
eps Double 0.5 Maximum distance between two points for one to be considered reachable for the other.
minPts Int 5 Number of points in a neighborhood for a point to be considered as a core point (includes the point itself).


Type Description
Matrix[Integer] The mapping of records to clusters


X = rand(rows=1780, cols=180, min=1, max=20) 
dbscan(X = X, eps = 2.5, minPts = 360)


The discoverFD-function finds the functional dependencies.


discoverFD(X, Mask, threshold)


Name Type Default Description
X Double Input Matrix X, encoded Matrix if data is categorical
Mask Double A row vector for interested features i.e. Mask =[1, 0, 1] will exclude the second column from processing
threshold Double threshold value in interval [0, 1] for robust FDs


Type Description
Double matrix of functional dependencies


The dist-function is used to compute Euclidian distances between N d-dimensional points.




Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required (n x d) matrix of d-dimensional points


Type Description
Matrix[Double] (n x n) symmetric matrix of Euclidian distances


X = rand (rows = 5, cols = 5)
Y = dist(X)


The glm-function is a flexible generalization of ordinary linear regression that allows for response variables that have error distribution models.




Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required matrix X of feature vectors
Y Matrix[Double] required matrix Y with either 1 or 2 columns: if dfam = 2, Y is 1-column Bernoulli or 2-column Binomial (#pos, #neg)
dfam Int 1 Distribution family code: 1 = Power, 2 = Binomial
vpow Double 0.0 Power for Variance defined as (mean)^power (ignored if dfam != 1): 0.0 = Gaussian, 1.0 = Poisson, 2.0 = Gamma, 3.0 = Inverse Gaussian
link Int 0 Link function code: 0 = canonical (depends on distribution), 1 = Power, 2 = Logit, 3 = Probit, 4 = Cloglog, 5 = Cauchit
lpow Double 1.0 Power for Link function defined as (mean)^power (ignored if link != 1): -2.0 = 1/mu^2, -1.0 = reciprocal, 0.0 = log, 0.5 = sqrt, 1.0 = identity
yneg Double 0.0 Response value for Bernoulli “No” label, usually 0.0 or -1.0
icpt Int 0 Intercept presence, X columns shifting and rescaling: 0 = no intercept, no shifting, no rescaling; 1 = add intercept, but neither shift nor rescale X; 2 = add intercept, shift & rescale X columns to mean = 0, variance = 1
reg Double 0.0 Regularization parameter (lambda) for L2 regularization
tol Double 1e-6 Tolerance (epislon) value.
disp Double 0.0 (Over-)dispersion value, or 0.0 to estimate it from data
moi Int 200 Maximum number of outer (Newton / Fisher Scoring) iterations
mii Int 0 Maximum number of inner (Conjugate Gradient) iterations, 0 = no maximum


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Matrix whose size depends on icpt ( icpt=0: ncol(X) x 1; icpt=1: (ncol(X) + 1) x 1; icpt=2: (ncol(X) + 1) x 2)


X = rand (rows = 5, cols = 5 )
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
beta = glm(X=X,Y=y)


The gridSearch-function is used to find the optimal hyper-parameters of a model which results in the most accurate predictions. This function takes train and eval functions by name.


gridSearch(X, y, train, predict, params, paramValues, verbose)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Input Matrix of vectors.
y Matrix[Double] required Input Matrix of vectors.
train String required Specified training function.
predict String required Evaluation based function.
params List[String] required List of parameters
paramValues List[Unknown] required Range of values for the parameters
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE print messages are activated


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Parameter combination
Frame[Unknown] Best results model


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
params = list("reg", "tol", "maxi")
paramRanges = list(10^seq(0,-4), 10^seq(-5,-9), 10^seq(1,3))
[B, opt]= gridSearch(X=X, y=y, train="lm", predict="lmPredict", params=params, paramValues=paramRanges, verbose = TRUE)


The hyperband-function is used for hyper parameter optimization and is based on multi-armed bandits and early elimination. Through multiple parallel brackets and consecutive trials it will return the hyper parameter combination which performed best on a validation dataset. A set of hyper parameter combinations is drawn from uniform distributions with given ranges; Those make up the candidates for hyperband. Notes:


hyperband(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, params, paramRanges, R, eta, verbose)


Name Type Default Description
X_train Matrix[Double] required Input Matrix of training vectors.
y_train Matrix[Double] required Labels for training vectors.
X_val Matrix[Double] required Input Matrix of validation vectors.
y_val Matrix[Double] required Labels for validation vectors.
params List[String] required List of parameters to optimize.
paramRanges Matrix[Double] required The min and max values for the uniform distributions to draw from. One row per hyper parameter, first column specifies min, second column max value.
R Scalar[int] 81 Controls number of candidates evaluated.
eta Scalar[int] 3 Determines fraction of candidates to keep after each trial.
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE print messages are activated.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of weights of best performing candidate
Frame[Unknown] hyper parameters of best performing candidate


X_train = rand(rows=50, cols=10);
y_train = rowSums(X_train) + rand(rows=50, cols=1);
X_val = rand(rows=50, cols=10);
y_val = rowSums(X_val) + rand(rows=50, cols=1);

params = list("reg");
paramRanges = matrix("0 20", rows=1, cols=2);

[bestWeights, optHyperParams] = hyperband(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, 
    X_val=X_val, y_val=y_val, params=params, paramRanges=paramRanges);


The img_brightness-function is an image data augumentation function. It changes the brightness of the image.


img_brightness(img_in, value, channel_max)


Name Type Default Description
img_in Matrix[Double] Input matrix/image
value Double The amount of brightness to be changed for the image
channel_max Integer Maximum value of the brightness of the image


Name Type Default Description
img_out Matrix[Double] Output matrix/image


A = rand(rows = 3, cols = 3, min = 0, max = 255)
B = img_brightness(img_in = A, value = 128, channel_max = 255)


The img_crop-function is an image data augumentation function. It cuts out a subregion of an image.


img_crop(img_in, w, h, x_offset, y_offset)


Name Type Default Description
img_in Matrix[Double] Input matrix/image
w Integer The width of the subregion required
h Integer The height of the subregion required
x_offset Integer The horizontal coordinate in the image to begin the crop operation
y_offset Integer The vertical coordinate in the image to begin the crop operation


Name Type Default Description
img_out Matrix[Double] Cropped matrix/image


A = rand(rows = 3, cols = 3, min = 0, max = 255) 
B = img_crop(img_in = A, w = 20, h = 10, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0)


The img_mirror-function is an image data augumentation function. It flips an image on the X (horizontal) or Y (vertical) axis.


img_mirror(img_in, horizontal_axis)


Name Type Default Description
img_in Matrix[Double] Input matrix/image
horizontal_axis Boolean If TRUE, the image is flipped with respect to horizontal axis otherwise vertical axis


Name Type Default Description
img_out Matrix[Double] Flipped matrix/image


A = rand(rows = 3, cols = 3, min = 0, max = 255)
B = img_mirror(img_in = A, horizontal_axis = TRUE)


The imputeByFD-function imputes missing values from observed values (if exist) using robust functional dependencies.


imputeByFD(X, sourceAttribute, targetAttribute, threshold)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] Matrix of feature vectors (recoded matrix for non-numeric values)
source Integer Source attribute to use for imputation and error correction
target Integer Attribute to be fixed
threshold Double threshold value in interval [0, 1] for robust FDs


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Matrix with possible imputations


X = matrix("1 1 1 2 4 5 5 3 3 NaN 4 5 4 1", rows=7, cols=2) 
imputeByFD(X = X, source = 1, target = 2, threshold = 0.6, verbose = FALSE)


The kmeans() implements the KMeans Clustering algorithm.


kmeans(X = X, k = 20, runs = 10, max_iter = 5000, eps = 0.000001, is_verbose = FALSE, avg_sample_size_per_centroid = 50)


Name Type Default Description
x Matrix[Double] required The input Matrix to do KMeans on.
k Int 10 Number of centroids
runs Int 10 Number of runs (with different initial centroids)
max_iter Int 100 Max no. of iterations allowed
eps Double 0.000001 Tolerance (epsilon) for WCSS change ratio
is_verbose Boolean FALSE do not print per-iteration stats


Type Description
String The mapping of records to centroids
String The output matrix with the centroids


X = rand (rows = 3972, cols = 972)
kmeans(X = X, k = 20, runs = 10, max_iter = 5000, eps = 0.000001, is_verbose = FALSE, avg_sample_size_per_centroid = 50)


The lm-function solves linear regression using either the direct solve method or the conjugate gradient algorithm depending on the input size of the matrices (See lmDS-function and lmCG-function respectively).


lm(X, y, icpt = 0, reg = 1e-7, tol = 1e-7, maxi = 0, verbose = TRUE)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.
y Matrix[Double] required 1-column matrix of response values.
icpt Integer 0 Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling the columns of X (Details)
reg Double 1e-7 Regularization constant (lambda) for L2-regularization. set to nonzero for highly dependant/sparse/numerous features
tol Double 1e-7 Tolerance (epsilon); conjugate gradient procedure terminates early if L2 norm of the beta-residual is less than tolerance * its initial norm
maxi Integer 0 Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations. 0 = no maximum
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE print messages are activated

Note that if number of features is small enough (rows of X/y < 2000), the lmDS-Function’ is called internally and parameters tol and maxi are ignored.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of weights.

The icpt-argument can be set to 3 modes:


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
lm(X = X, y = y)


The intersect-function implements set intersection for numeric data.


intersect(X, Y)


Name Type Default Description
X Double matrix X, set A
Y Double matrix Y, set B


Type Description
Double intersection matrix, set of intersecting items


The lmDS-function solves linear regression by directly solving the linear system.


lmDS(X, y, icpt = 0, reg = 1e-7, verbose = TRUE)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.
y Matrix[Double] required 1-column matrix of response values.
icpt Integer 0 Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling the columns of X (Details)
reg Double 1e-7 Regularization constant (lambda) for L2-regularization. set to nonzero for highly dependant/sparse/numerous features
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE print messages are activated


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of weights.


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
lmDS(X = X, y = y)


The lmCG-function solves linear regression using the conjugate gradient algorithm.


lmCG(X, y, icpt = 0, reg = 1e-7, tol = 1e-7, maxi = 0, verbose = TRUE)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.
y Matrix[Double] required 1-column matrix of response values.
icpt Integer 0 Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling the columns of X (Details)
reg Double 1e-7 Regularization constant (lambda) for L2-regularization. set to nonzero for highly dependant/sparse/numerous features
tol Double 1e-7 Tolerance (epsilon); conjugate gradient procedure terminates early if L2 norm of the beta-residual is less than tolerance * its initial norm
maxi Integer 0 Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations. 0 = no maximum
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE print messages are activated


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of weights.


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
lmCG(X = X, y = y, maxi = 10)


The lmpredict-function predicts the class of a feature vector.


lmpredict(X, w)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vector(s).
w Matrix[Double] required 1-column matrix of weights.
icpt Matrix[Double] 0 Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling of X (Details)


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of classes.


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
w = lm(X = X, y = y)
yp = lmpredict(X, w)


The mice-function implements Multiple Imputation using Chained Equations (MICE) for nominal data.


mice(F, cMask, iter, complete, verbose)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Data Matrix (Recoded Matrix for categorical features), ncol(X) > 1
cMask Matrix[Double] required 0/1 row vector for identifying numeric (0) and categorical features (1) with one-dimensional row matrix with column = ncol(F).
iter Integer 3 Number of iteration for multiple imputations.
verbose Boolean FALSE Boolean value.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] imputed dataset.


F = matrix("4 3 NaN 8 7 8 5 NaN 6", rows=3, cols=3)
cMask = round(rand(rows=1,cols=ncol(F),min=0,max=1))
dataset = mice(F, cMask, iter = 3, verbose = FALSE)


The multiLogReg-function solves Multinomial Logistic Regression using Trust Region method. (See: Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression, Lin, Weng and Keerthi, JMLR 9 (2008) 627-650)


multiLogReg(X, Y, icpt, reg, tol, maxi, maxii, verbose)


Name Type Default Description
X Double The matrix of feature vectors
Y Double The matrix with category labels
icpt Int 0 Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling X columns: 0 = no intercept, no shifting, no rescaling; 1 = add intercept, but neither shift nor rescale X; 2 = add intercept, shift & rescale X columns to mean = 0, variance = 1
reg Double 0 regularization parameter (lambda = 1/C); intercept is not regularized
tol Double 1e-6 tolerance (“epsilon”)
maxi Int 100 max. number of outer newton interations
maxii Int 0 max. number of inner (conjugate gradient) iterations


Type Description
Double Regression betas as output for prediction


X = rand(rows = 50, cols = 30)
Y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
betas = multiLogReg(X = X, Y = Y, icpt = 2,  tol = 0.000001, reg = 1.0, maxi = 100, maxii = 20, verbose = TRUE)


The pnmf-function implements Poisson Non-negative Matrix Factorization (PNMF). Matrix X is factorized into two non-negative matrices, W and H based on Poisson probabilistic assumption. This non-negativity makes the resulting matrices easier to inspect.


pnmf(X, rnk, eps = 10^-8, maxi = 10, verbose = TRUE)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.
rnk Integer required Number of components into which matrix X is to be factored.
eps Double 10^-8 Tolerance
maxi Integer 10 Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations.
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE, ‘iter’ and ‘obj’ are printed.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] List of pattern matrices, one for each repetition.
Matrix[Double] List of amplitude matrices, one for each repetition.


X = rand(rows = 50, cols = 10)
[W, H] = pnmf(X = X, rnk = 2, eps = 10^-8, maxi = 10, verbose = TRUE)


The scale function is a generic function whose default method centers or scales the column of a numeric matrix.


scale(X, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.
center Boolean required either a logical value or numerical value.
scale Boolean required either a logical value or numerical value.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of weights.


X = rand(rows = 20, cols = 10)
Y= scale(X,center,scale)


The Sigmoid function is a type of activation function, and also defined as a squashing function which limit the output to a range between 0 and 1, which will make these functions useful in the prediction of probabilities.




Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of weights.


X = rand (rows = 20, cols = 10)
Y = sigmoid(X)


The smote-function (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) implements a classical techniques for handling class imbalance. The built-in takes the samples from minority class and over-sample them by generating the synthesized samples. The built-in accepts two parameters s and k. The parameter s define the number of synthesized samples to be generated i.e., over-sample the minority class by s time, where s is the multiple of 100. For given 40 samples of minority class and s = 200 the smote will generate the 80 synthesized samples to over-sample the class by 200 percent. The parameter k is used to generate the k nearest neighbours for each minority class sample and then the neighbours are chosen randomly in synthesis process.


smote(X, s, k, verbose);


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors of minority class samples
s Integer 200 Amount of SMOTE (percentage of oversampling), integral multiple of 100
k Integer 1 Number of nearest neighbour
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE print messages are activated


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Matrix of (N/100) * X synthetic minority class samples


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
B = smote(X = X, s=200, k=3, verbose=TRUE);


The steplm-function (stepwise linear regression) implements a classical forward feature selection method. This method iteratively runs what-if scenarios and greedily selects the next best feature until the Akaike information criterion (AIC) does not improve anymore. Each configuration trains a regression model via lm, which in turn calls either the closed form lmDS or iterative lmGC.


steplm(X, y, icpt);


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.
y Matrix[Double] required 1-column matrix of response values.
icpt Integer 0 Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling the columns of X (Details)
reg Double 1e-7 Regularization constant (lambda) for L2-regularization. set to nonzero for highly dependent/sparse/numerous features
tol Double 1e-7 Tolerance (epsilon); conjugate gradient procedure terminates early if L2 norm of the beta-residual is less than tolerance * its initial norm
maxi Integer 0 Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations. 0 = no maximum
verbose Boolean TRUE If TRUE print messages are activated


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Matrix of regression parameters (the betas) and its size depend on icpt input value. (C in the example)
Matrix[Double] Matrix of selected features ordered as computed by the algorithm. (S in the example)

The icpt-arg can be set to 2 modes:


If the best AIC is achieved without any features the matrix of selected features contains 0. Moreover, in this case no further statistics will be produced


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
[C, S] = steplm(X = X, y = y, icpt = 1);


The slicefinder-function returns top-k worst performing subsets according to a model calculation.


slicefinder(X,W, y, k, paq, S);


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Recoded dataset into Matrix
W Matrix[Double] required Trained model
y Matrix[Double] required 1-column matrix of response values.
k Integer 1 Number of subsets required
paq Integer 1 amount of values wanted for each col, if paq = 1 then its off
S Integer 2 amount of subsets to combine (for now supported only 1 and 2)


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Matrix containing the information of top_K slices (relative error, standart error, value0, value1, col_number(sort), rows, cols,range_row,range_cols, value00, value01,col_number2(sort), rows2, cols2,range_row2,range_cols2)


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
w = lm(X = X, y = y)
ress = slicefinder(X = X,W = w, Y = y,  k = 5, paq = 1, S = 2);


The normalize-function normalises the values of a matrix by changing the dataset to use a common scale. This is done while preserving differences in the ranges of values. The output is a matrix of values in range [0,1].




Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] 1-column matrix of normalized values.


X = rand(rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
y = normalize(X = X)


The gnmf-function does Gaussian Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. In this, a matrix X is factorized into two matrices W and H, such that all three matrices have no negative elements. This non-negativity makes the resulting matrices easier to inspect.


gnmf(X, rnk, eps = 10^-8, maxi = 10)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of feature vectors.
rnk Integer required Number of components into which matrix X is to be factored.
eps Double 10^-8 Tolerance
maxi Integer 10 Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] List of pattern matrices, one for each repetition.
Matrix[Double] List of amplitude matrices, one for each repetition.


X = rand(rows = 50, cols = 10)
W = rand(rows = nrow(X), cols = 2, min = -0.05, max = 0.05);
H = rand(rows = 2, cols = ncol(X), min = -0.05, max = 0.05);
gnmf(X = X, rnk = 2, eps = 10^-8, maxi = 10)


The naivebayes-function computes the class conditional probabilities and class priors.


naivebayes(D, C, laplace, verbose)


Name Type Default Description
D Matrix[Double] required One dimensional column matrix with N rows.
C Matrix[Double] required One dimensional column matrix with N rows.
Laplace Double 1 Any Double value.
Verbose Boolean TRUE Boolean value.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Class priors, One dimensional column matrix with N rows.
Matrix[Double] Class conditional probabilites, One dimensional column matrix with N rows.


[prior, classConditionals] = naivebayes(D, C, laplace = 1, verbose = TRUE)


This outlier-function takes a matrix data set as input from where it determines which point(s) have the largest difference from mean.


outlier(X, opposite)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required Matrix of Recoded dataset for outlier evaluation
opposite Boolean required (1)TRUE for evaluating outlier from upper quartile range, (0)FALSE for evaluating outlier from lower quartile range


Type Description
Matrix[Double] matrix indicating outlier values


X = rand (rows = 50, cols = 10)
outlier(X=X, opposite=1)


The toOneHot-function encodes unordered categorical vector to multiple binarized vectors.


toOneHot(X, numClasses)


Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required vector with N integer entries between 1 and numClasses.
numClasses int required number of columns, must be greater than or equal to largest value in X.


Type Description
Matrix[Double] one-hot-encoded matrix with shape (N, numClasses).


numClasses = 5
X = round(rand(rows = 10, cols = 10, min = 1, max = numClasses))
y = toOneHot(X,numClasses)


The msvm-function implements builtin multiclass SVM with squared slack variables It learns one-against-the-rest binary-class classifiers by making a function call to l2SVM


msvm(X, Y, intercept, epsilon, lamda, maxIterations, verbose)


Name Type Default Description
X Double Matrix X of feature vectors.
Y Double Matrix Y of class labels.
intercept Boolean False No Intercept ( If set to TRUE then a constant bias column is added to X)
num_classes Integer 10 Number of classes.
epsilon Double 0.001 Procedure terminates early if the reduction in objective function value is less than epsilon (tolerance) times the initial objective function value.
lamda Double 1.0 Regularization parameter (lambda) for L2 regularization
maxIterations Integer 100 Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations
verbose Boolean False Set to true to print while training.


Name Type Default Description
model Double Model matrix.


X = rand(rows = 50, cols = 10)
y = round(X %*% rand(rows=ncol(X), cols=1))
model = msvm(X = X, Y = y, intercept = FALSE, epsilon = 0.005, lambda = 1.0, maxIterations = 100, verbose = FALSE)


The winsorize-function removes outliers from the data. It does so by computing upper and lower quartile range of the given data then it replaces any value that falls outside this range (less than lower quartile range or more than upper quartile range).




Name Type Default Description
X Matrix[Double] required recorded data set with possible outlier values


Type Description
Matrix[Double] Matrix without outlier values


X = rand(rows=10, cols=10,min = 1, max=9)
Y = winsorize(X=X)


The gmm-function implements builtin Gaussian Mixture Model with four different types of covariance matrices i.e., VVV, EEE, VVI, VII and two initialization methods namely “kmeans” and “random”.


gmm(X=X, n_components = 3,  model = "VVV",  init_params = "random", iter = 100, reg_covar = 0.000001, tol = 0.0001, verbose=TRUE)


Name Type Default Description
X Double Matrix X of feature vectors.
n_components Integer 3 Number of n_components in the Gaussian mixture model
model String “VVV” “VVV”: unequal variance (full),each component has its own general covariance matrix

“EEE”: equal variance (tied), all components share the same general covariance matrix

“VVI”: spherical, unequal volume (diag), each component has its own diagonal covariance matrix

“VII”: spherical, equal volume (spherical), each component has its own single variance
init_param String “kmeans” initialize weights with “kmeans” or “random”
iterations Integer 100 Number of iterations
reg_covar Double 1e-6 regularization parameter for covariance matrix
tol Double 0.000001 tolerance value for convergence
verbose Boolean False Set to true to print intermediate results.


Name Type Default Description
weight Double A matrix whose [i,k]th entry is the probability that observation i in the test data belongs to the kth class
labels Double Prediction matrix
df Integer Number of estimated parameters
bic Double Bayesian information criterion for best iteration


X = read($1)
[labels, df, bic] = gmm(X=X, n_components = 3,  model = "VVV",  init_params = "random", iter = 100, reg_covar = 0.000001, tol = 0.0001, verbose=TRUE)